The retranscription of the project

  • A movie

Each of these stages: restoration of the boat, trip, stopover in each of the 10 states, arrival in New Orleans, transformation of corn into Moonshine, will be methodically filmed in order to build a film testifying to both the artistic experience and its context.
This film will follow the chronology of the project and will be based on the story of adventure generated by the artistic performance.
It will be built like a tutorial to allow the reproducibility of the work, making it useful. This strict and ugly form will force us to deepen an original cinematographic language to create narration and poetry.

  • A soundtrack

Each stop-over and each state of the river will be illustrated by a piece of music composed or interpreted by one of its inhabitants. This omnipresent soundtrack will have a double interest:
   - translate the richness of the inseparable musical currents of Mississippi: Funk in Minneapolis, Rock-n-Roll in Memphis, Blues in Clarksdale, Cajun music in Louisiana, Brass Band in New Orleans, etc…
   - to express a position through the texts of the musicians on the themes of the history of the river, Moonshine, slavery, ecology, etc.

  • A book

Compiling the elements gathered during the experiment, this book will propose the different reflexive tracks of the project.

  • A moonshine

Two thousand moonshine bottles will be produced from the harvested corn, these bottles have been pre-sold to carry out the experiment.